St John & St Anne
Our Team
The Hospital of St John the Evangelist and of St Anne in Okeham
List of Governors
(as at 1st October 2023)
The Patron
Mrs Clare Johnson
Rt Revd Donald Allister, Bishop of Peterborough
Very Revd Chris Dallison Dean of Peterborough
Revd Stephen Griffiths Vicar of Oakham
Revd Dr Pippa Madgwick Rector of North Luffenham
Revd Cannon Rachel Watts Rector of Uppingham
Diocesan Board of Finance Appointments
Mr Val Harvey
Mr David Pattinson Chairman
Mr Rob Smith, Chair - Property Committee
Co-opted Governors
Mrs Amanda Whittington​
Mr David Johnson - Chair of Finance and General Purposes Commitee
Mrs Katherine Greenwood
Mr Mark Rehill
Mrs Ruth Gilbert
Representative Appointments
Mr Derek Cook; Representing the Bishop
Mrs Sue Taylor; Representing the Dean
Revd Simon Aley; Representing the Vicar of Oakham
Mrs Jill Mayhew; Representing the Rector of North Luffenham